FUNIMALS®! FUN LOVE & FAMILY The First Thirty Years & Next

In 1992, Bennett J. Vonderheide and Mario Nieves M.ed (School Counselor and Clinical  
Therapist) joined the FUNIMALS Inc. In 1996 twenty-six high quality licensees were sold and developed throughout different parts of the United States. Licenses were also sold in Canada and Puerto Rico. In addition, FUNIMALS Inc opened Pet Plazas in Pennsylvania and went public. Also, a FUNIMALS radio program was started in Pennsylvania and won an award. In the coming years a multi-million dollar television show was being developed.

Since 1997 and still today, the Vonderheide family own and control all interest in FUNIMALS Inc. Currently, Mario Nieves is a Youth minister in a Lancaster PA intercity church. For the past twenty-six years with his youth group, he has put life into the FUNIMALS costumes by appearing in family and children events of all kinds. Furthermore, Mario who continues to be a school counselor and a clinical therapist has also used FUNIMALS characters in his therapeutic sessions, implementing FUNIMALS plushes and family sized coloring books as tools in communicating with children. 

The live costume events proved kids of all ages loved FUNIMALS! They lit up the day, inspired smiles, laughter and good times for children and adults.

In addition, we found the teens were uplifted by being the FUNIMALS characters. They were gifted with a sense of self confidence and value knowing they could contribute to helping others have fun in community and school events. The youth group learned that they enjoyed doing positive activities by being in the FUNIMALS Mascots and constantly asked “When can we be FUNIMALS again?”  Today, they are now grandparents and parents who wore the FUNIMALS Mascots when they were young, in return a three generation legacy in the local community has been established!
In 2019, Mr. Vonderheide and his team revived FUNIMALS focusing on their wholesome, simple and “retro” images and message.  
While crafting a business plan along traditional lines of license development, the team gave consideration to what could be learned and discerned from our unique, turbulent and dynamic history. How were Ben and Mario at the helm when they never attempted to garner control but rather stepped in to save the company when it was sinking into possible obscurity? Especially when other successful, rich and powerful business owners were vying for the company, they lost faith. Yet, Mario and Ben never gave up on the FUNIMALS Mission. Was it divine delay? Were FUNIMALS destined to be more than another TV show and product train? Can we fulfill our obligation to shareholders through long term focused growth in specific venues which help children? What would it look like to have FUNIMALS conjoin primarily with profit and non-profit entities who use the license to achieve greater missions for more children?
The decision has been made to pursue the path Mario and his youth group have trail blazed. “Licensed characters go in and out of style... but helping children is never out of season”. Management believes the best course of action for longevity and to achieve the mission is to expound upon the use of licensed characters in areas which will be profitable while enhancing services, education and wholesome products for children.  
Cyber FUNIMALS® Inc. (CFI) is now working with Mario and his educational ideas in areas of promotion in S.T.E.M. and involvement in faith and educational programs. We will look to copy Mario’s formula of having youth entertain children and families in costume shows across the country due to seeing positive results. These opportunities position FUNIMALS as wholesome, positive characters, an evergreen property forever blessing children.  
To that end we reach out to leaders like you who can enhance your efforts, products and impact many children by adding new exciting ideas with the FUNIMALS.

Licensed Characters 

Contact: Mario -  
Or Ben 717-872-4018


Conestoga PA, 17516, USA
